• Practical Car Hacking: Testing Automotive Security with CAN-Utils in Kali Linux

  • Inicio: Miércoles, 21 noviembre 15:00
    Fin: Miércoles, 21 noviembre 16:00
  • Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, 28933 Móstoles Aula 004 - Aulario 1
  • Internet-connected and self-driving cars are becoming common on highways around the world, and car hacking has become a timely area of research. This presentation details how to set up a car-hacking lab, including full installation and setup of all the open-source tools necessary to implement vulnerability testing for automotive security. Also provided are an introduction to the CAN (controller area network) bus in modern automobiles and a brief history of car hacking.
    The presenter will demonstrate the car hacking software live in Kali Linux, and discuss how to test an automobile for vulnerabilities involving replay attacks using a combination of open-source tools and inexpensive commodity CAN-to-USB cables.
    Ponente: Bryson R. Payne - Director of Cyber Operations - University of North Georgia
    Lugar: Aula 004 del Aulario I - Campus Móstoles
    Fecha: 21 nov. 15:00-16:00